Internal Pelvic Release Work (IPRW) involves the gentle but deliberate massage of the muscles and connective tissue (fascia) within and around the pelvis, via the vagina. IPRW restores the optimal quality of the tissues, creates space within the pelvis, and empowers you to achieve your pelvic health goals at any age and stage of womanhood.
This 2-hr session will help you with:
Understanding anatomy of the pelvis, pelvic floor and pelvic organs
Birth preparation
Pelvic girdle pain (PGP)
Post-partum healing: perineal trauma and c-section scarring
Traumatic or repetitive injury or chronic pain, particularly of the hips, lower back, pelvic joints or coccyx
Bladder and bowel conditions
Painful intercourse
Chronic pelvic pain: menstrual pain, endometriosis, adenomyosis
Depending on your unique needs and goals of the session, IPRW may be complimented by teaching self-management strategies and exercises, birth preparation, therapeutic yoga and/or treatment of other musculoskeletal concerns.